A masterpiece, this game depicts perfectly on how being selfish ends up in a tragedy.
I love how towards the end of the game Ellie didn't entirely care about Joel in the end she just wanted Abby gone but realised her mistakes and that she knew Joel was in the wrong.
In the start of the game you can feel the tension/awkwardness between Joel and Ellie, Ellie wanted to be the cure, after all of her loved ones dying that's what she wanted, when she couldn't be that she didn't know what to do so once when Joel passed she resorted using her survivors guilt to release that anger on others.
This game is just reality, if you don't like the game that's fine! But the mechanics implemented was enjoyable, no longer having to use shivs to open doors (like in the old game) and new combat mechanics. This game is a literal masterpiece.
Many people who "played" the game failed to realise that the characters are HUMAN they have lives and family. Just because your favourite father figure died doesn't mean the game is terrible.
Big thanks to for Neil Druckmann for writing this this game.