This game is a masterpiece of open world games. This is what a open world game should be like. It has it all, starting from little details in wilderness like birds catching fishes and horse balls, till the feedback of a person in different situations, its really very polished. The story is amazing. I literally cried at the end and not a lot of games make you shed tears like this one. The music is really blends with what you are doing and adds a layer of immersion in the gameplay. The character introductions is also phenomenal and well paced. And ooohhh boy, what should I say about the graphics. When you have a 3090 and turn on ray tracing, this game will replace your life. Not only in graphics, but also in story. I still had a ton of fun even after completing the campaign starting from sightseeing and hunting to installing mods and turning the game into mayhem.
Just play the gane and you will experience all that I said much much better. Even if you can't afford 3090s, this game will still run well on a gtx 1650 or 1660. So, take your time, save your money and play the game. I'll bet you that you won't regret playing and buying the game.