As a long time fan of the series, I am disappointed.
Alpha/Beta play- fun enough, defeated world boss, got all the bonuses for when game launched, had promise.
First playthrough- Interesting world with somewhat varied areas, multiplayer was mostly fine with a friend, a few bugs here and there, good enough stories but couldn't tell you any of the characters or their motives, levelling is slow, finding all the hidden Lilith statues felt like a requirement to have decent stats, completed story, had no motive to play more than 5 hours of endgame. Dropped it until Season 1.
Season 1- malignant hearts sounded cool at first, had a fun time with necromancer, bag and stash quickly filled with hearts, no new content, pvp still trash as you can be low level and just ganked by 3 lvl 100 characters who destroy you from offscreen, gave up after about 10 hours of play, just no fun to be had single or co-op. Also the battle pass is absolute trash if you don't pay for it, and even if you do, not great.
Overall, incredibly disappointed, was not worth the ultimate edition I bought, I would recommend waiting for a 50% off, or wait until they make more, free, content.