Let me be absolutely clear, I would have given this show at least 2 stars for the first 2 episodes, but the way everyone involved in making this show is talking about the fans, its absolutely getting 1 star. They call us disrespectful for being honest? They say us fanboys are crying because we don't like their show? They are saying a majority of star wars fans are gay? Well if thats the case, then this show doesn’t even appeal to them! Because as of right now and when it comes to this show, it seems like a VERY small minority actually likes it, even the majority of the gay fanbase disney claims. If you like this show, thats great. I am not the person to say you’re wrong for that. Thats your opinion, and if I was the type of person to hate on you for liking something, id be no better than the creators of this show for hating everyone who disagrees with them, and claims all these dislikes are just rating bombers and anti LGBTQ people. I am a very avid supporter of the Pride community, most will even call me an Ally, but this show? That has absolutely nothing to do about how I and most other people feel about this show or the LGBTQ community. This show sucks… the pacing is off, the characters and writing is dull, the cameras the used to film makes it seem like it was produced in the early 2000s due to how fuzzy it is, the retconning of Star Wars lore people love, the overall plot, dumb things show in the show (like fire burning in space like it has an oxygen source and gravity affecting it) the portrayal that men are nothing but idiots (I thought it was all about equality? You’re no better than the racist, white supremacist if you try to put down any type of person and think you’re better than them in any way, which includes race, sex, sexuality, ethnicity, country of origin, ETC…) need i add more to this list of why the show is bad? People don’t dislike the show because of what is stands for, people don’t like the show because this is taking Star Wars, and fundamentally molding it into something that is clearly not Star Wars. Its a completely different universe basically with the Star Wars IP strapped to it, and that is, in fact why no one gives a damn about it, including me. So stop blaming the white man, stop blaming the fan boys, stop blaming the LGBTQ haters, stop making excuses for your bad shows disney, and own up your mess and clean it up before you lose absolutely everyone who keeps the money in your pockets. Lastly, back to the review bombing, and saying all these criticisms are fake. I’ll tell you whats fake, saying this is the best media to ever come out of Star Wars… to have the audacity to pay those critics to write fake reviews. You all say that these negative reviews are fake, and some may be, but most are genuine, people absolutely do not like this show. I can guarantee most if not all of those critic reviews are fake. Written by someone no doubt, but absolutely fake. Except maybe the 2-3 people who actually like it, and I still can bet you deep down, they know this isn't the best thing they have ever seen. Well see what the remaining episodes have to offer, but keep messing up, and disney will have sell star wars off before it becomes a black hole, sucking all their money away trying to push an agenda no one wants.