In this upside down world we live in, this show has the most ignorant, blinded group i have ever do they think the Biden admin has done this country good, maybe for the rich, ya know the ones that live in a bubble, that don't have faith in God and live for the almighty dollar..WAKE u like whos running or not RECORDS, PLATFORM, who will do the best for ALL Americans ..we were a free country at one time but people like your staff are so one sided and blinded, what happened to respecting both sides, listening w an open mind and not try to control everyone to think your way..if socialism is what u wish for, theres plenty if borders to socialist coutrys u can go to and leave America lets see how ya like it..lets make America great again ...oh I expect this will be taken down leftest won't like it..God Bless your staff i pray God opens their blined eyes