Honestly this movie is getting a 3 because I honestly have such mixed feelings about it. It’s very effective at making you face the harsh reality of what happens to kidnapped kids, but it was still very brutal to watch. Although I wouldn’t call it scary, it does make you feel sick and icky. The movie has very very horrible scenes that go on for a long time, which makes you really have to sit and deal with what you’re watching.
I do feel it’s accurate, the way the kids interact, the way the predator lures the kids, I even found Megan’s account of her SA quite similar to how I heard my friends talk about their own as a kid. The movie shows you a lot of Megan’s trauma in a way where you can tell she still hasn’t fully come to terms with what’s happened to her. It’s hard and uncomfortable to listen to her talk about it, but it’s real.
My issue with the movie is that, although it shows a sickening reality, it also feels like someone’s fantasy. The scenes in this movie feel graphic enough that people who are predators would get pleasure out of watching it. The way the movie ends fits reality, since a lot of these bad people don’t get caught and these cases go unsolved, but it also made it feel like I was watching a movie about a predator getting to have his way with young girls and then never be caught. It really does come off as a sick fantasy in a lot of places.
If I would recommend this movie, honestly idk, if you want to feel sad, icky, and disturbed then yeah. It won’t scare you, but it sure will make you feel disgusted and upset.