Very helpful and fair film. My spouse was diagnosed as an adult. His first-ever therapist recommended a prescription and his GP prescribed it. Therapist retired soon after and now the GP fills it while my spouse does nothing else to address his adhd. At first I was happy for him. He found confidence and wished he’d had access to meds as a kid so that he could have had “more success.” He seemed calmer and less prone to irritability at first. Fast-forward 5+ years and I feel as though I’m married to a robot I don’t recognize that is as angry as ever. He lacks emotion and empathy toward myself and our kids. When he’s home from work he only values completing a task without interruption. Wants to just put in his ear buds, work, and won’t let the kids spend time with him. If I ask him to take a break from what he’s doing to eat dinner with us he’s super agitated with me. He doesn’t laugh or joke. I miss his personality and not sure how we’re going to make it through. It’s just so sad. I’m so mad at the recklessness of the Drs prescribing these intense meds like a magic pill with no repercussions. Watch to the end where they explain the study that said these drugs didn’t actually improve cognitive performance, but did make people THINK they improved their performance. And how these folks are missing out on feeling and experiencing life. 100% my observation also.