This movie was so disappointing. If you're someone who enjoys analyzing and coming up with your own interpretation of stuff, I'd probably say give it a go, but if not, this movie isn't worth your time. They have all the materials to make an interesting story; a good plot, a hook, tension, etc. but they literally do nothing with it.
I'd say the movie is good in the way that it's able to make you unsettled and uncomfortable, but the storytelling and structure is just.. bad.
The beginning captures your attention, but the other hour and twenty minutes just goes nowhere. You notice details that have potential to drive the plot somewhere exciting, but they completely brush it off in a way that makes you wonder if the writers even payed attention to it at all. "Oh, I see what they're doing here; this is probably foreshadowing to this thing that could possibly happen, that seems interesting." You would think, but nope. Those details could literally be completely removed from the movie and the plot would still stay the same and it'd make complete sense.
It's possible that I could've just missed something so take what I say with a grain of salt, but they've set up multiple plot points in the story that could've taken a huge turn, changing the movie entirely and making it way more interesting but they just.. forget about them, I guess? I understand leaving things up to the reader's interpretation but I think they could've given us more hints as to what was going on instead of completely leaving it be, if that's the case. Also, not everybody has a creative imagination, man.
This entire movie could've lasted twenty minutes long and thirty at most. Nothing happens. There's no clever plot twist or anything, there's just build-up, conflict, tension, and oh, look, the movie just ended. Goodbye. Thanks for watching. It's nearly two hours long and most of it was just tension that led up to no satisfying ending.