This movie was very disappointing, although that's not a surprise- who actually thought it would be good?? We're in the era of remakes because nobody wants to risk losing money by being original anymore.
This movie lacks all of the charm, humor, and uniqueness of the original film.
If this movie came out today on its own, without there ever having been the original one, it would have just been another lame movie that no one would remember.
It rides off your knowledge of the original movie and really just makes you want to turn it off and go watch Mean Girls.
The characters are all shallowly developed, the premise tries so hard to be current for today's teens, they shove agendas in left and right, and it just feels like an over-dramatic and pathetic money-grab.
There is no Regina George but Rachel McAdams. There is no Cady aside from Lindsay Lohan. There is no ANY of these characters aside from the originals! And no offense, but the guy playing Aaron Samuels in this one has NOTHING on Jonathan Bennett.
This movie didn't bother at all to show HOW Cady became a mean girl. The girl playing Cady in this one never went through that development. They just said, oh yeah, she's mean now because we have to keep the movie going along... And they really had to remove Cady's dad? Really? Why? To show that single parents exist? We know that. Why not just let her keep her dad? Geeze..
Watching this just really makes you appreciate how fantastic the original movie is and they could not even come close to re-creating that.
I will never watch this again xoxo