This is not a positive review, but please read in full and hear me out, I absolutely love movies and believe me I completely understand that people like movies for different reasons but…
John wick 4 was absolutely awful. I actually feel humiliated to be apart of a generation who adores these movies and thinks that a sliver of a horrendous plot can be carried by such atrocious action scenes is actually considered not just a good movie, but one of the standards that all future action movies should learn from.
I am convinced, absolutely convinced that any four year old could go and write down there day to day thoughts and I would literally be more entertained by that than watching this movie. And that is saying a lot, because most four year olds can’t actually write. The action scenes were just so awful, these scenes were very unbelievable (and not in a good way), I refuse to believe that time, effort and thought were put into this movie, let alone those scenes in particular, where a lot of people would say these movies shine. The “bad guys” in this movie had no sense at all in choreography, making things looking realistic, and actually showing that they were putting John in real danger. He looked like he was haphazardly sparring with mannequins.
I am not just trying to diss this movie, it was just so bad that I can’t really say much good. I just really want the message to get out there that modern movies I believe are taking a turn for the worst, people calling movies like this (not to mention critics and rotten tomatoes) a good movie. And that the only bad thing about it is that it just was too long. Sure, but definitely not it’s biggest problem. At one point I think the music didn’t even fit the mood of what was happening.
Anyway, I have lots more to say about this, I could go on but I think most people would just deem me a hater when I’m really not trying to be. I just appreciate good movies and this wasn’t one.