I am not saying that this book isn't essential (as far as I know it is) but it is in no way shape or form as helpful as it should be. It overemphasizes concepts to such a degree that a disproportionate amout of time will be spent where it is not needed while failing to even mention things that are fundamental to the actual test (even it's own practice tests). You could memorize every word of it verbatim and still flounder on the practice tests that are provided at the back. Those test (and practice questions elsewhere) are in many places giving contradictory information as to why one answer is better than another or what categories certain concepts fall under. I've found contradictions in questions on that same page. The explanations for why one answer is correct over another is often vague, ruling out maybe two of four multiple choices offered while shrugging off the third wrong answer as just "incorrect." This can be infuriating because much of the information that you are required to know for the CSET is supposed to be aquired "elsewhere," and elsewhere can lead you to so many different versions of what you think you are being asked that it is impossible to narrow down which source you should listen to and which you should ignore.
For all of this I am primarily refering to the section covering subtest 1: Reading, Language, and Literature. I feel cheated by how poorly the material is covered.