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A fantastic film although it is 3+ hours long it seems to fly by.
The characters are somewhat Fellinni like in nature but the story is certainly not Fellinni like. The imagery is so well defining of a period in British vs Indian history it immerses you into that time and feels like you are a part of it.
Each character is well defined to the point of authenticity they feel like neighbors you knew in a past life.
LAGAAN is a must see film.
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Truth is a rare commodity these days! Marvin Dunn has exposed a very ugly truth in Florida/America. Everyone should read this eye opening exposay of the lynching and hate in the Florida.
The Beast in Florida: A History of Anti-Black Violence
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Weak character development, wonderful visually, extremely slow, poor use of excellent actors, lack of story development, improbably absurd time line and ridiculous ending with improbable nuke assist!
Good screen saver for silent visuals!