I am really liking the immersive quality of this game. The easiest way to recommend this game is if you like Fallout 3/4/New Vegas and/or Elder Scrolls, this is a great game for you. It’s built in the same style with a little “steam punk” look added to it. I would give it higher marks but there are a couple of quirky BS things that annoy me. The text on the screen is REALLY small. I routinely have to get off the couch when I read the “terminals” that you come across. Also, when you’re looking at your inventory screen and you select an item to look at in detail, a window opens RIGHT ON TOP of you inventory preventing you from seeing the contents of your inventory while LOOKING at one item specifically which keeps you from seeing if you have duplicate items or similar items. This is nit picky, but you spend a lot of time READING and doing inventory control.
Otherwise, a GREAT game. Visually stunning.