Despite all the poorly written 1 star reviews that look like they were written by poorly coded bots (which I suppose they might have been in retrospect) I am going to give this 5 stars.
Mainly because it paints civil service (such as cleaning up your toys or helping others for no rewards) in a positive light. Interestingly enough the main villain seems to be the mayor and his mischief causing kitties.
The three year old I am babysitting loves it and none of the characters behave overtly annoyingly so it's not disruptive to have it playing in the background.
After reading most of the 1 star reviews I've realized the people who don't like it are coming at it from a adult social justice warriors point of view rather than a three year olds. I watched tons of teenage mutant ninja turtles and transformers growing up and never learned to hate evil ninja robots so I find it unlikely kids watching this will learn to dislike cats. In fact the three year old watching Paw Patrol currently seems to like cats a lot even as she has started self identifying as a puppy (lol). Now if only the show taught them how to pet cats nicely without the rough grabbing 3 year olds tend to do.