Probably one of the worst Cartoons Cartoon Network has put out over the years, I remember being excited as a kid for the new regular show or amazing World of Gumball episode, and then this would come on and I'd have to turn off the TV, light it on fire, and cancel my subscription for the year.
This show singlehandedly would ruin my day and was the bane of my childhood existence. It was just bad. There was nothing redeemable or funny about the entire show. It was quite literally the definition of Brain Rot.
This and afterward Teen Titans Go really put Cartoon Network out of its golden age. To be honest, I don't even know how this show got green-lit by the producers. There is seriously nothing good about it.
His voice is annoying, his deign is annoying, there is nothing coherent about the plot or the story. And worst of all it is boring, it's not even funny. I genuinely would rather watch 12 hours of paint drying than this as a kid.