Worst movie of the year!
First of all, the script was awful. Who wrote this and when?! It felt like a film from 2010! The dialogue was so cheesy, so many poor attempts at humour! Haddish’s character was the worst for it. I had to stop myself audibly groan in the cinema multiple times. I didn’t care about any of the characters in it. I didn’t care about whateverhisnamewithac. He just felt like an excuse for grumpy old men to complain about “kids these days!”.
The main character is so flat. Ye, he has ptsd, he’s paranoid, card counting is a metaphor, ye ye, I get it. But it just didn’t work! Oscar Isaac’s acting was easily the best in the movie. But that’s not saying much… He was honestly better in Dune. If he only had been in Dune this month and not Card Counter too, I’m sure it wouldn’t have damaged his career, although it would have diminished his paycheque…
All in all, there’s slow burn but then there’s watching paint dry.