The "news" program continues to deteriorate ever since Charlie Rose left. They are more interested in hiring celebrities rather than experienced journalists. Except for the first 15 minutes, it is not worth watching when they are all laughing and talking over one another. I've never been to journalism school, but I would imagine that somewhere along the things to learn would be not to talk at the same time as others. I had to dump ABC, NBC, and now CBS. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. Fortunately, I found The National Desk (TND) on the FOX network. They cover a lot more news stories in one hour than the others in two hours without the goofing around. CBS Morning News has a rating of 2.2 which seems a little high but I think it is a little high based on the other negative reviews here, I think it will drop. Keep in mind it can't drop below 1 being that you can't give a zero.