Thou this television series show yearns to be cultic sci-fi and it is a new spin from a old line, I feel this show has potential and if built right I can see a lot of seasons. What it lacks makes this series stand out.
Personally I have strayed away from the CW then I heard of this new show, and of course I checked it out. It has a solid impressionable cast.
Now to where it lacks; I imagine a plot flow that currently lacks a moderate amount of action and CGI, improve this and have more interaction between opposing factions like BattleStar Galactica and I will expect silver levels with allied compositions, gain on the interactive plot control and I can see near golden aspects.
This series is in an infancy phase and will not discount any actions that has lacked to perceive, however perhaps this is the reason and enjoy watching the development thou this show needs the clay molded.
So there for I give this current season a solid B- and this fresh spin grows knowing it has room that needs improvement.