I loved this movie. I think they rushed to get in out at NY or something but movie is great. a little more people moments etc. gaps in time would have helped too.
I saw this movie three different ways.
1) There is the basic action movie to get even etc.
2) There is kind of this "Falling Down" type character contrasted with him taking up the actual beekeeper trade and the studying of the actual bees and hives. More scenes of Rashad reading the beekeeper book would have helped with the rational but Statham protecting the hive etc was brilliant. Kind of enforcing rules based upon hive principles was cool. In a similar more simplistic way Michael Douglas questioned the rules etc.
3) The movie and how certain elites etc are protect show in the movie also which is kind of interesting how you get to the end.
I think movie should have been maybe longer will a little more fill in but movie was great. It is kind of similar to how "Nobody "unrolls ... simple guy and bad deed starts to open up a simple nice person into showing his past.
I love the "Got to project the hive" and "Sometimes you have to kill the queen" symbols etc.