[Possible minor spoilers]
To be honest I went into this game scared because of the leaks, and everyone I knew had told me not to play it. I stayed completely away from all of the leaks (I never saw a single one) in hopes that maybe the game would be better than everyone said it was. I was wrong.
The game was slow, repetitive, and all together poorly written. I am a big fan of Naughty Dog games and I was very excited for this release because the first Last of Us was phenomenal. However, this game ruined every single character from the previous game and any new characters were shallow and every moment they were on the screen made me want to quit at that moment.
Dina was the worst romantic interest of all time. She was not interesting whatsoever, she never did anything worthwhile and she was just a weight that forced the story to drag along. Abby (the antagonist) was horrible to begin with and then being forced to play as her for 11 hours was just absolutely grueling. I have to admit, after playing as her for about 9 hours you do grow to appreciate her more but not enough to make her a good character. Any character I ever cared about died within the hour so I never had anything to look forward to.
Ellie was just completely lost in this game. She was nothing like how she was in the first game. She was cruel, seemingly heartless, and altogether not herself. She lost most of her humanity. She had no respect for anyone but herself and she would give up anything for revenge. There was absolutely zero character growth throughout the entire game, except for Abby; but hers was only because she had already gotten what she wanted.
Every segment of the game seemed to drag on for what felt like forever. Anytime there was a destination there was about 5 half hour detours before you could actually reach the destination. And Naughty Dog refused to get creative with their antics, it was just the exact same excuses for why the characters couldn’t take a straight path every time.
Finally, they didn’t know when to end the game. About 18 hours in I reached the climax that the game has been building up to the whole time and I am expecting the game to wrap up soon because it’s definitely about time for it to, but no. Instead the game drags on for about 3 hours more and it’s basically just Farming Simulator “Dina Bonus Edition”. It was completely unnecessary and boring and could’ve been wrapped up in a ten minute cutscene. And then after you farm for an hour the game basically goes back to where it was in the first place and Ellie seeks revenge yet again! After one of the best characters in the game turns into a compete jerk. So Ellie goes on her last hoorah to finally get what she wants because she absolutely cannot have any character development and will always stay a cruel child because she can’t accept the fact that she rejected the one man who loved her and then he died before she could wrench up the heart to love him.