Shepherd Stanley, I've have been with you for over two decades, and the Spiritual changes in my life because of your commitment to the FATHER, and your Obedience, and Your Trusting in the FATHER, and my favorite that has become my motif "Obey GOD, and Leave All the Consequences to HIM", a daily renewal in this but it works. I Love Your, and will continue to Pray and ask the FATHER to strengthen you to complete the task you set out for the night prior to going to bed. Love You, Love, You LOVE YOU!!! And I thank GOD for providing you with a GODLY Mother, and that powerful Grandfather. We pray for your Son, and Daughter, and your Grand Children. Shepherd Stanley your GODLY ministry in being Obedient to the FATHERS will for your life, and those that HE has given you stewardship over "Me" has allowed me to Trust the FATHER more and more each day (challenging too), but now walk in faith during this COVID-19 season of our life; what i call the season that the FATHER made mankind stand still in awe of HIS presences. My profession that the FATHER has Blessed me to work in on HIS behalf requires me to work daily, but there's no Fear because I walk with the empowerment of the HOLY SPIRIT whom I yield my life over to constantly. I could go on forever..............We Thank the FATHER for you; you are a living example of those who traveled this Spiritual path before us the Abrams and then Abraham's, Moses, etc.