Honestly, I’ll start this with not a gamer. I rarely get attached to video games, or find something that I enjoy playing. HZD was AMAZING, I fell in love with the first game in its entirety, and I really wanted to continue. Preordered and played the minute I could. But I was pretty let down. The storyline is amazing as usual but honestly this game is so clunky. The visuals in the ruins (and any other dark places) are so hard to see you can barely navigate. Swimming absolutely sucked, you’re drowning constantly because the tunnels are also too hard to navigate. And you don’t get your swim mask until completing the game to a certain point, so it literally just killed it for me. It’s brutal. I found myself just not enjoying it at all, and basically playing just to get it over with. Really disappointed, I had hoped they would work out the kinks and I really looked forward to this until it came out.