First I have to say, “I wanted to like this movie.” This movie gets only 2 stars for me because I don’t blame Chris or Ana they’re AMAZING actors but they do not have the on screen chemistry promised in the trailers. I felt like I was watching a brother and sister mash up not two people that potentially could be romantic partners. The dialogue is mediocre at best and thinks it more interesting than it actually is. The premise is insane and I say that as a whole hearted romantic. They just needed a trending name to sell the movie but for the lead (Chris Evans) to make their first ever trip out of the country to see someone they went on one date with is not even trying. The acting in general is pretty bad because the actors aren’t right for the roles and that includes a goofy portrayal by Brody as the films villain. This was a great idea on paper but the execution felt tedious not thrilling. It’s yet another example of a streaming war byproduct of smashing two huge stars together and wasting the opportunity by forgetting about a the little things like a decent script and fleshed out characters. Not even a shopping list of famous cameos can save this soul less mess of what could have been.