I love the up front and complete honesty that so many others are to scared or hide in the shadows to say. There's not a ady that I miss it, because if I'm not there right on time...thank gawd for technology of the DVR. I myself have served this great nation and all of you carry my exact thoughts on every issue nearly to the very note and tone that I and suprised you don't hear the "Amen's" from all the way up here in main but with my southern draw with myself being a transplant having moved up here back in '06.
But with nearly 10 minutes left there was a commercial with an amputee veteran saying how he was in high school when we went into Afghanistan, then joined and went there, and then tauting Biden for ending the longest 20 year war. VoteVets Action Fund was tagged at the bottom of this commercial.
And that commercial made my blood run cold...and literally felt behind me to feel if there was a knife sticking out of me. His agenda using one of these boys that nearly died giving "Him" of all people, praise. Especially in the manner of how he screw'd the pooch so hard that it was completely FUBAR'd. Even a blind dog can find a bone for Christ sake. But to use an amputee Veteran to boost his numbers...that's just scraping the bottom of the barrel. They really need to start at the top and kick them all to the curb, no money, anything. And make them pay the entire country back all of the money they have funnelled off like Nancy Pelosi's elitist Park that is going to get 20 Million Dollars of TaxPayers money Facelift.
God Bless Your show and keep exposing these scumbags and their shell games and ponsci schemes