This is not the game I grew up with. A whole list of issues. They really didn’t try with their latest GT game, it was short and un-eventful. And have made it a cash grab almost forcing people to spend real money for credits. Pathetic EA style gaming. Here is a quick list I could think of.
No B-spec
Very little cars just a heap of variations of a couple of cars
No go kart league
No formula league
No free 2 player were can chose any car or track
Ai sucks. Easy is hard and hard is easy.
No weather reports
No qualifying(always rolling start at the back of the grid)
No free race (stupid PP limits) were i can race Yaris’ in my Bugatti for fun.
Can’t sell cars
The roulette system was heavily rigged. I got 17 prizes in a row of the lowest possible reward.
Not enough races
Not enough tracks
No home button have to click all they way back from what ever screen
Drifting is a niche only in missions
Drag races are a niche only in missions
“Endurance” races are a niche, only in missions and the Ai is impossible. Doesn’t give way to blue flag, finds magical speed and comes from 12 seconds down to overtake. And will ram you mid corner when you have the line.
Im sure there is more. But as a lifelong GT fan (from gt3) this is bad.