There are a 1000+ reviews on why this game is good. Like many have said it had a rough start but the devs worked out most of the kinks and it polished out nicely.
With that said, the game still has a fair share of bugs and glitches.
I'll stick to writing out the negatives since you can read all the other reviews for the positives.
I've had hordes and wolves spawn before my eyes right on top of me...
The wolves met a quick end.
And the horde gave me mine...lol
Not a big fan of the constant bike refueling I understand the mechanic but it's unrealistic since riding for 5 mins equals a quarter tank. It's really just a filler/time waster in my opinion.
The camp progression system has you go at a fixed pace. I'm a fan of quickly leveling up what I need so I can get the good loot which isnt allowable in this game. Not only that but it takes FOREVER to get to level 3 at which point you've moved on and found a better camp because of the storyline. Plus credits for each camp are different and dont transfer over. That's just wild to me. Another time wasting/forced grind mechanic I'm not a fan of.
The random map events are cool but are annoying since they aren't marked and only blink for a few seconds on your compass map. You should be able to mark them if you choose to investigate. The time wasted on trying to locate the area has me arrive late and the survivors/hostages are already dead. A simple fix that could make a huge difference.
The story is pretty solid but gets monotonous, "I found this girl, take her in", "oh no the girl ran off, I have to find her again".
Also, the cutscene where Sara gets stabbed by a feral kid was cringe/cheesy..
Zero emotion and Deacon is just like "Hey stop." and shoots his pistol into the air lol.
So bad.
Most enemies all have the same generic weapons which is fine but you can't get ammo from them unless it's the same caliber as yours. Again, I understand the realistic game mechanic here, but! Kind of annoying when you no longer carry those generic starting weapons after about 6 hrs in game. So now you're forced to scavenge for finite ammo boxes around your area or refill at a camp...
Just allow me to pick up rifile or pistol ammo when I kill someone with a rifle of pistol lol.
Once you get a decent AR and pistol you pretty much breeze through nest and missions.
Hordes are still difficult to kill with just weapons but are easily taken out with about 5 explosive throwables and some attractors.
I'd personally love the game more if they threw in some State of Decay/Fallout 4 mechanics: the ability to build your own camp, defend your base, levels up survivors and send them on missions.
Overall, it's a solid game with some quirks that could be fix to make it better. If you can pick it up on sale it's a fun time killer.