The advice in this book is excellent and I think that anyone who implements it will greatly enhance their lives. Let me state that first because it is important to point it out that I am fully aware and accepting of that value. That being said, this is not good literature, the plot and characters are simple, shallow and full of cliche. None of these elements resonated with me. The book remains a bad attempt at combining storytelling with self-help, and so... it is none of them. Contrast this book with another one that targets this kind of melding: The Teachings of Don Juan. Now that is great storytelling! With very well defined and developed characters AND with some great life advice . There is no comparison between these two books. It would have been much better to show us the life of Julian, and how he became a monk, how he lived in the Himalayas, make the reader feel his conflict, his troubles, how he slowly finds his way. Instead he comes back "fixed" and summarizes what happened to him.