If only Disney let Marvel Studios actually tell their stories instead of diverting attention off of that to trying to be immensely woke all the time. Not saying any of those things are necessarily bad, but is so unnecessary and it feels like that's what an entire show is built to do, instead of trying to tell the story they were supposed to. With this garbage trope of "Woman strong, white man bad." Now I'm not being an "incell" or whatever excuse people are using these days. But you can make women strong without having to compare them to a man and make a male character look like they've lost all their brain cells. This is most evident in content like Hawkeye, Thor: Love and Thunder,
Black Widow and most recently and thickened with the idea.. She-Hulk. I've never hated MCU content like i do with She-Hulk. Infact including Phase 4 I've loved the entirety of the MCU with the exception of this Phase's problems that I have mentioned above. But She-Hulk is an all new kind of bad. Like I've literally not cared about a single thing that had to do wuth She-Hulk so far. The only characters keeping that show alive for me right now are Matt Murdock, Wong, and Leapfrog. Literally the only entertaining Hero/Villain characters in her own freaking show. And it's not like she was ever this unhealthyly woke and filled with pride in the comics. She never constantly put down people or felt the need to explain why she was better than everyone. We already have that kind of egotistical narcissist in the MCU and that's Carol Danvers. But even Carol is no where near being close to the the kind of character She-Hulk is. Infact Carol isn't even a feminist She just thinks she has celestial level power which is why she's always so cocky. She was a way better backstory with way better story telling and is far more interesting of a character than Jen. But even so I feel like if they were able to put this character in truly the right hands. And not a group of feminists that say they want to do this character "justice" even though they literally never do anything like this. No less understand it. Then this show would have truly succeeded. Like I said Disney needs to back the hell off, and let Marvel do their best work.