Context: I’m a casual gamer, not particularly talented in video games. Just dabble in multiple video games until one catches my attention and then I put whatever time I have available into that one game.
The game’s budget is all invested in the animation. The game looks great and the fights look as good as they can. However, I don’t recommend this game for “the casual, not particularly talented gamer.” There’s a lot that the game just glosses over because the normal customer is returning from the tenkaichi series.
The story is not the main focus of the game. The game gives you the bare minimum requirements to consider itself to have a story, but I was unbothered by this.
Online seems to be the focus of this game. I haven’t had any major issues. However in order to remain competitive in online, you will have to learn timing and combos. Uncontrollable button mashing will get you nowhere. Go into the training portion of the game and do it until you feel like it’s become second nature.
(Extra: the menu looks cool, but it could have been more streamlined for easier navigation)