Someone should be punished for making this.
its soo soo bad, eveything about it is dumb. its gimmick oh we all learned to sign just b4 the sound monsters turn up- we are at such an advantage, yet they dont use it well at all. every action is the most stupid thing, every character acts like they have a deathwish. the monster design is rubbish they wouldnt be able to fly, they come from earth and wouldnt be that strong, there are billions it seem from the area they cover but they were all sat in a small cave for a million years eating what exactly? they would have needed massive massive eco system to supply them. Any kid 10+ with a baseball bat would be able to kill one with a single decent hit. u can whisper or talk most of the time. they make so much random noise themselfs they wouldnt ever hear any other animal. there is zero tension, as i said one moment its ahhhh a single footstep is so loud the next its just walk around normal, whisper talk its fine. also why arnt they cold without fur? everyone else has big coats on so it must be cold there. why dont they get hungry as they dont eat just bite. maybe it should have been an isolated town with a broken bridge n cut off internet? but even then everyone could have just stayed indoor n used whispers n been fine. the eggs are bigger than the animals, and must have a metabolism many many times faster than anything ever on earth which makes total sense for something that lived in a cave for a million ears without food? Also, family members die, seeing bodies all over, after all that, no its worse some places are losing internet!!!! another just silly plot crops up half way in, the sort of plot that takes years b4 it would turn that way but no not here. its a really dangerous threat they need to be on guard for so naturally they go to bed n no one stays on watch. guns vanish when most needed for no reason