Hardcore Federer fans will no doubt view this as a fantastic documentary and close-up account of the final 12 days of a sporting icon's playing career. The interviews do come across as sincere and for a large part of the documentary, you almost feel like you're living out the final moments of Roger's career with him. The special bond formed between Roger and Rafa, despite their intense rivalry on the court, shines through as you would expect. However, stylistically the documentary is extremely flat, as is the equally unambitious and dreary soundtrack. Having said all of that, the documentary delivers on the description of the title so for those hardcore fans missing a bit of Roger in their lives, the documentary feels like a VIP access in Roger's world in those final 12 days and will suffice for the Federer fanbase until a fully accomplished high-budget documentary covering Roger's early life and career comes along. 2.5 / 5