This book is heartbreaking, but only because the mother writing the book is so diluted that she actually believes Torey is completely innocent. I don't know if she truly believes what she is writing, but it sure seems like it. She narrates what happened when Cassie was killed; she goes as far to conclude what the boys were thinking, each of them individually. There is no way she could have such information. There's a part where she describes the autopsy photos being reviewed in open court, and when Cassie's father becomes inconsolable and audibly upset, she says that "it's just a show in order to make the jury feel bad for them". HE IS LOOKING AT PICTURES OF HIS DAUGHTER BEING LITERALLY BUTCHERED, yet his emotions are a conspiracy against Torey. I felt sick when I read that. What is wrong with this woman? She eavesdrops on Brian's phone calls to home and shamelessly dictates how fake the parents must be when they declare their love for Brian. It's bizarre to read. How dare she mock and belittle Brian's family and their pain. In the Documentary "Lost For Life", when Torey's father mentions Torey being innocent and wrongly imprisoned, even Torey gets uncomfortable!! This family will never begin to heal until they are able to admit Torey's very obvious culpability. You cannot help but feel awful for their other children, Lacey and Jamie. It's very clear that they are put by the wayside in favor of Torey. The whole book is literally Shannon's rendition of what everyone involved was thinking, feeling, and what their ulterior motives were. There is no possible way she could know 85 percent of what she claims to know. I am not even finished with this book because I don't know if I can continue to read it. After stating that Cassie's family is feigning their sadness, I got really nauseous. Why didn't Torey immediately call the police? If I was truly not involved, like she claims Torey to be, I would of IMMEDIATELY called the police. Torey hides evidence and lies to the police. That's the bottom line. Torey might be a "kind, kind sweet" boy but that's what every mother thinks about their kid. I do truly feel sorry for the Adamcik family for what Torey has done to them, but reading this book did the opposite of what Shannon wanted it to do. Inadvertently, she lays out the reason for Torey's guilty verdict, she just doesn't see it. And to shamelessly smear every person involved that isn't an Adamcik.. I just honestly cannot believe she hasn't pulled this book from the shelves. I believe now more than ever that Torey may not have stabbed Cassie, he was clearly deeply involved with the planning and execution of the event. He went into her dark house with knives; how could he think the whole thing was a joke? Ugh..