Now, i already know you would have seen multiple troll reviews but this is 100% authentic and factual. So like most, i went into this movie expecting to be disappointed - i was significantly wrong. i was immersed in this beautiful concept brought to life by the directors and Mr. Leto. i was drowning in gallons of sweat and panting like i had just ran a marathon - baring in mind we are only just approaching the title card. the plot is perfect, a beautiful twist between beautifully choreographed action and heartfelt moments which got me crying my eyes out in the toilets after the film. this movie has seriously helped me for the better. in all honesty i was depressed before coming into this film but my life has changed for the better. i’m now a father to 7 children each with the names spelling each single letter of the word M O R B I U S. every night before me and my wife - Jared Leto get intimate, we recite the entire morbius script to one another and then top it off with “it’s morbin time”. wow just wow. this is cinema. this redefines and enhances everything done before it and i am so grateful to have the privilege to say i was alive and well when morbius hit the big screens. i will devote my entire life to morbius till my last breath on this earth. thank you jared leto for making this possible i love you
it’s morbin time.