honestly fully confident this is not only the best spiderman film, not only the best marvel film, not only the best superhero film. BUT the BEST film that I personally have EVER seen in my lifetime. I found myself subconsciously clapping and just screaming inside with joy. The returns of some characters are incredible. The film balances the comedy with a dark/sad plot to follow. Tom Hollands spider-man in a film so crowded still manages to shine and outdoes himself with his performance. This feels like a true spider-man movie especially in the very last scene. His performance is incredible and some of the action sequences are beautiful with moves taken from the game. This feels like the most badass, realistic and cool portrayal of a spider-man yet. It maintains comic accuracy and tom’s suits are beautiful.Some scenes are absolutely heart wrenching, i found myself crying numerous times. This film is a masterpiece and a love letter to all marvel or spiderman fans and a work of art. It avoids the other spider-man movies mistakes and just gives characters such realistic convincing arcs. A true work of art, round of applause for John Watts and Tom Holland.