Great. But can you get word to them about their piece on the Magpie that caused the death of a 70year old. Please, please put it on the program. Tell the public if you give them some food THEY WILL NOT SWOOP YOU. We had this issue my son was terrified. We fed them and they have never swooped us since. Seriously it works. Just a tiny bit of mince not even a 5cent piece and they will not SWOOP. They remember like crows, they teach their babies and they will not swoop. Why has no one made this fact as well known as making the public aware of where and what trees they are protecting? We must learn to live within our environment in harmony. I've heard of protective magpie being killed and they seriously don't have to. Just throw some food to them. No magpie goes into our hospital nurseries a kill our babies. Please please put the word out I'm stunned at in all the years magpie swoop the community every season that this fact of feeding them and this is not every day just a few times that no one says this through the media.