I started watching A Teacher not expecting to watch it for very long. I watched all episodes a bit shocked by the concepts. I found the two main characters' interactions intense with the the male victim warm and humanitarian and the female perpetrator to be cold and not easy to relate to. The hardest part to watch is the last 5 episodes after the pair are discovered and the ensuing devastation to the victim as he fails at life and self destructs. A cautionary tale for all parents, students, teachers and educational institutions to watch and learn from; a good training video on how to recognise the signs of abuse in a male student by a female teacher perpetrator. Despite the harrowing and heartbreaking material, there are some entertaining and funny moments to break up the intense light bulb moments about the main topic. There should be another series called, perhaps, A Student. We could watch Eric reclaim and rebuild his life, go on to study medicine and become the doctor he always wanted to be. If Claire had kept her hands off Eric that might have been the original outcome.