Their strat of making you pay for 2k20 in order to get 2k21 was smart and worked on me. I'd have been ok with it if 2k21 was fun. It's not. It's frustrating and makes me want to break a controller. I really liked MyLeague in 2k20. It was fun. I like video games that are fun. Most people do. MyLeague 2k21 is NOT FUN. If the other team has a star or two, pushing their overall over yours, your ENTIRE team will suddenly stop being NBA players and play like they're in middle school. They can't hit a shot. They do weird wiggle stuff when you mash X off of a pass for that open look. They'll shoot once covered and done wiggling. I've never seen an NBA player do that. Ever. I don't know why one would. Maybe the retards at 2K could explain it. If they could provide me a link to a video of an NBA player doing a weird wiggle thing until coverage arrives when passed the ball, that would help me understand it. What's another super fun thing? Oh yeah, IN YOUR FACE! on stealing a pass. Yep, they block it and send it back to the passer. IN YOUR FACE! is standard NBA protocol for handling passes. This game is just stupid and it is the only game I have ever been mad enough at to go write a negative review. Somebody needs to go make a site similar to Youtube where basement game programmers can have their games hosted so competition can once again become a thing in the gaming industry.