Overall this game is great, zombies and multi-player are enjoyable. Though there are some annoying things to say about it like challenges for multi-player camos that without a doubt it will increase some aggressiveness in you. Challenges like get kills behind cover which is a challenge you have kill the enemy while they are behind cover and the challenge completion only counts if you kill the while they are only showing anything chest or above. Without a doubt there hasn't been anyone who has grinded for camos in this game and hasn't gotten angry. Now this doesn't compare to how mad you'll get when you have to go through rocket launcher camos. These weapons are the most annoying weapons to get Dimond. I mean there isn't a competitive game out there that won't increase aggressiveness in you. Video games itself will get you mad at some point and the anger will increase the more you struggle to do something you want to accomplish and continue to fail. Overall the game itself is enjoyable to play and zombies is a great experience. Can't say anything about the campaign since I haven't played it but based of multi-player and zombies the game was well worth the purchase.