The Batman was really boring. I did not like Robert Pattinson as The Batman at all. As Bruce Wayne his hair was too long compared to the comics. Also Robert Pattinson's take on the Batman sucked most of the scenes in the movie were slow and boring. I also though Robert Pattinson was too skinny to play Batman he needed to have more muscles on his body. I thought at times in the movie Robert Pattinson could have played a better Joker than he could have played the Batman. Now on to The Riddler he looked scary but nothing like the comics that I remember him looking. I liked the actor who played the Riddler he did a good job being a psycho path but his costume looked too dark compared to the comics but I was okay with it after a while when the actor who played the Riddler did a better job than Yes I will say it than Jim Carry who first played him in Batman forever. Still for Robert Pattinson for me his acting in the movie sucked really bad to me. I also hated the girl who played Catwoman she is suppose to be white and not black I would have been okay with her being black if she did a good job as Catwoman but she did not in my opinion, she also looked stupid in her Catwoman costume compared to how Catwoman was in Batman forever no actress so far can beat the girl I forgot her name that played Catwoman in Batman Returns. Oh I did like I Collen farrow how ever you spell his name he did okay as the Penguin I would have not known he was the Penguin if I did know it was Collen Farrow he did a good job but with that said both Collen Farrow and the guy who played the Riddler where not enough to make the movie great for me. This is just my thoughts on the movie as I am a diehard DC fan my favorite looking Batman is Ben Affleck I wish he was in the Batman movie but I think he did not want to be in it but then I don't know why he is going to be in the flash movie. Overall this is just my opinion on The Batman movie.