I saw The Batman (2022) in theaters when it first came out, and after sometime to reflect on it this movie was shocking... in how much nothing you can fit into nearly 3 hours. I was so excited for it but didn't have much for expectations. When a movie has this much style, great cinematography, a great cast and crew, and still ends up the most boring slog fest with nothing to say, and still gets good reviews, I've gotta say i'm impressed. I love Robert Pattinson, The Lighthouse was incredible and the man is a brilliant actor but Batman and Bruce Wayne have 0 distinction, whether he's in the batsuit or the business suit he's nothing but mopey and boring, with absolutely 0 depth to his character other than sad, but he was believable so I can't fully blame Pattinson. Nothing in this movie had any sort of impact, the action felt flat and the romance between batman and catwoman comes out of nowhere, they had no reason to fall in love and no reason to have any interest in eachother whatsoever, i don't have a problem with them being romantic interests but the movie did absolutely nothing to set it up or have it develop. One minute they're talking business on how they're going to save gotham then next thing you know they're kissing, just felt like lazy writing because every movie seems to have to have a love interest. There's a lot to say about The Batman (2022) but not a lot of it is positive. Collin Farrell as the penguin was unrecognizable and genius, by far the best part of the movie. Paul Dano as the riddler was agressively annoying and just felt like a nothing 4chan user with too much free time, again he was believable though, i can't blame any of the actors for how much i hated this movie, just feels like bizarre direction and 1st draft writing. Also why was the ending literally what felt like 45 minutes of B role footage? I was sitting in the theater just itching to leave, this movie made me sit through 2 hours of actual nothing with about 10 minutes of interesting movie just to slap me in the face with overly extended establishing shots that did nothing to add to the film other than make me feel worse about spending my money on it. I'm not one to get upset about a movie being bad (more so just not to my liking i guess, opinions are subjective and i know a lot of people loved this movie for some reason) but this felt insulting.