Possible Spoilers …. First off, the original Pet Sematary (1989) is my favorite movie of all time…like, ever. That being said…if this were a stand-alone with no continuity …it would’ve been just ok for me. Needed a new director in certain areas, especially the 3rd act (imo)…again…as a standalone. Poor execution. I didn’t enjoy the 2019 Pet Sematary, and this one is produced by the same folks. It’s a prequal to 2019, not 1989. I already knew that going in, but I wanted to check it out, all the same 🤞🏻 It seems they forgot that, even in their very own 2019 version, Judd had still experienced the Mic Mack burial ground with his dog. No mention of that, whatsoever. So I don’t understand their ‘forgetting’ this when they specifically mention it in their own original film as well. They focus solely on the Timmy Baterman story, completely. Oh, it had a definite creep factor at times. Some things, they did well. But, overall, I think (I know, lol) they, somehow, failed their own follow up ‘prequal sequal’, which is insane to me. I don’t understand how the ‘professionals’ nowadays get it so very wrong. The acting was excellent, and there’s some big names and some fabulous newcomers. It’s watchable…but not memorable at all. It’s ‘good enough’ as a stand-alone….but don’t call something a legit prequal when you can’t even remember your own film and the context and continuity within. It IS worth a watch, though, if you’re not a Pet Sematary ‘purist’. Some (most) people don’t tear movies inside-out, beyond hell and back, twice, like I do though🤦🏼♀️ But, I would give it a 0 if I could, just for the fact these folks, apparently, don’t remember writing their own 2019 script.