Special Ops is Indian spy thriller web series which revolves around a Senior analyst in R&AW Himmat Singh (K.K Menon) who believes that there is an involvement of a mastermind terrorist leader among various attacks in India. Himmat Singh manages his work along with his personal life is shown in the series. With the ongoing enquiry on the unchecked spending of the organisation, can Himmat Singh and his elite team of Special Agents eliminate the Mastermind is to find out.
The show is written by Neeraj Pandey who has mastered this genre (A Wednesday, Baby, Special 26, Naam Shabana, Aiyaary)
The cinematography of the show is brilliant (Shot in 5 countries with beautiful locations) and the screenplay is awesome as well. Along with K.K Menon, Karan Tucker, Vinay Pathak, Saiyami Kher plays crucial supporting roles.
The story is very interesting and picks up pace after the first 2 episodes. The dialogues and acting of all the stars is amazing especially K.K Menon who shines in this web series.
So finally, if you want to watch a web series which on par the likes of The spy, Fauda and Jack Ryan, Hotstars new offering 'Special Ops' is a must watch.