Im literally LMFAO about all the reviews by a bunch of boomers talking about how one sided SNL is and how it should go back to how it used to be with Adam Sandler. Ew, Adam freaking Sandler??? No one wants to hear and endless hour of sexual innuendo anymore, and tbh, the reason there's so many jokes about Trump and Republicans is bc they're a beautiful, luscious stream of content to make fun of how the right lies and lies and lies and lies. Not only that, they say the stupidest things, believe the most outrageous things, and do #$@& like breaking into the freaking Capitol. If you didn't think they're sketch about the fly on Michael pence's hair wasn't funny, your humor is stuck in the 80s. SNL has evolved with the norm of the day, and apparently that norm of the day is not Republicans thinking that they and they're ugly white nationalist a$$'s are privileged to whatever the heck they want anymore. Grow up and please die quicker so we can live our lives and clean up the mess that you put here in the first place.