I cannot believe no one gets it. This movie is NOT about the ripples through time as much as a statement on our time. It is a look into and a warning of what could happen. From searching for teeth and a cannibal tendency in our makeup through the fall where the weak are meat. To the future when you are promised ascension only to face slaughter. What can’t you people see? This movie included some of Hollywoods Greats for a reason. This movie resonated with some of the finest performances I have seen from these actors. Tom, Halle,and Hughes performances were phenomenal. However they were almost under shadowed by the inspiring job done by Bae Doona, Susan Sarandon and Jim Broadbent. Keith David was his outstanding self as an anchor. A pillar in the plot through the generations. James D’Arcy poignant portrayal of Sixsmith was Loving, Heartfelt and in the end Tragic. To change from that to the Grand inquisitor was a masterful change of character. Two thumbs up for that performance. I cannot end this review of the Actors without mentioning Hugo Weaving, He is a force on camera. Underrated and under appreciated for his excellent portrayal of strong Alpha male roles done with a certain refinement. A calm confidence that I think frightens some critics. Not the great leading man good but the best leading adversary. Always best as the “Bond Villain” There are so many hidden stories in the movie. I cannot be the only one who sees the parallel in our society and what it says. If I am. I apologize to the Wachowski sisters and to Tom Tykwer. I will say it took me 2 watches to get it but it is one of my go to Movies to watch.