⭐️ I do like big action films with some of the most famous people which the film dose in fact do that and some or most people actually like dose type of films (Part of me because I said it already but I can continue). I do get some parts of the film even the historical parts. The background of the 3 eggs is quite accurate but it may not be all 3 and gold and shiny. The title of the film is “Red Notice” is a real term in the criminal records when a thieves are accurately numbered by the number of stolen art. Making that person on a high “Notice” and “Red” is high.
I wasn’t a fan of the references of “The Indiana Jones films” because few of them where straight out of Ryan Reynolds him self, the real backstory and setting of the 3rd egg, and lastly but not lest there are exactly 3 eggs in “ Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom“ as for the plot of the story and the “Red Notice” film is basically that. The other I want to point out is if you seen any of the “ oceans“ films you may get this it heavily relates to the art of stealing art and artifacts.
All of the “ Indiana Jones“ references are Cairo Egypt setting of the first film, 3 eggs from the plot of second film, a big jungle with a waterfall from the 4th film. The others is where Ryan Reynolds whistles the main theme technically a joke but I didn’t get it because it already mentioned the nazis from Germany and also the other ones.
GRAPHIC CONTENT‼️ You’ve been warned😱😱😱
The ending is when the rocks and Gals characters have been working together the whole time the Ryan on the other side joking with Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and The Rock as black adam in the DCU. As Ryan who we know is playing Deadpool in the MCU. I just thought that was funny to see because they all “3” are superheroes.
In conclusion “Red Notice” is basically a Indiana Jones and oceans combined as one in case they do a sequel I would love to see less references.