The worst Star Wars movie ever. First, this movie ruins Luke. Luke in this film acts nothing like who luke sky walker should act like. He should have said he saw the good in Ben, yet he just was an idiot to him. That’s not who Luke is, he represents hope, not being rude like that. Second, Holdo is an incompetent leader and I could care less when she died. Why did she not tell the plan to Poe or anyone else? Many people’s counter argument is that “she’s the admiral she doesn’t have to say anything.) But this is false, as a good military leader, you want to gain the trust and respect of your crew and soldiers, by not telling Poe the plan and also being kinda rude to him is not a good idea. She should know that Poe is the kinda person that isn’t just gonna sit around, he will take matters into his own hands if she doesn’t tell him. Third, hyperspace is ruined, hyperspace isn’t just going super fast, you go into like a different state where you can’t hit people. But the , rian Johnson comes in, and makes it to where that hyperspace just means you go super fast. This completely ruins space battles, from now on after seeing the Holdo maneuver, I’ll just be thinking “oh why don’t they just hyperspace a ship at them.” Forth, they wasted the potential of phasma, Finn, Snoke and even somewhat Rey. Fifth, the villains are incompetent throughout the whole film. Sixth, the throne room fight scene is the worst fight in Star Wars, disappearing weapons, bad choreography, guys missing on purpose so they don’t hit the main charachter, people throwing aside there weapons so they don’t kill the main charachters, just a big mess. The canto bight scene was pointless, boring and unnecessary. I could go on and on because there’s even more but I’ll leave it here. Worst Star Wars movie ever 2/10