The original animation shows that a gender does no difference and despite the discriminating environment, Mulan are able to achieve success and work hard while also proud of being who she is, this is a powerful message and very inspiring. The movie in the other hand shows that Mulan only need unleash her unrealistic power and be successful. In the animation Mulan have very conflicting thoughts with the emperor but still saves him because she sees him as human beings. This shows her capable of making her own decision, this is honor.
In the movie she does this because it is "the honor way to serve the kingdom", this is not honor, this is just teaching children that if you obey the rule you will be honored, this is not honor, this is propaganda. Not only it failed the hype and expectations, it pushes unnecessary ideologies and malicious messages to younger generation.
Disney had an easy chance to just retell such a meaningful story, instead just erasing all the meaningful part and replacing it with Toxic and stupid story, what a shame!