Elden Ring is a great game.
Huge open world to explore and rewards those who do.
Many different weapons with a lot of variety resulting in lots of different builds to play.
Combat is engaging and rewarding.
Enemies and bosses are interesting and fun.
10/10 game right? WRONG!
There is an issue which has plagued the Dark Souls series, and now also plagues Elden Ring. I have to knock off points as Fromsoft seem happy to let this issue remain: action queing.
If you try to dodge but get hit at a certain moment before the dodge, then the dodge gets queued and occurs at the next possible time without you pushing the button again. Since enemies and bosses will often have 2,3,4 or more attacks in a combo, the queuing will result in you getting hit more the once since the dodge will likely be mistimed. The number of times I have taken way more damage than I should’ve done or flat out died as a result is unbelievable.
Fromsoft, please sort this out. Elden Ring is a challenging, some would say hard, game. But if you make a game like this then you at least need to make it fair. Action queuing is anything but fair. Punish the player for making a mistake, don’t punish us for one of yours. Fix it!