March equinox was Tuesday at 8:06PM PDT. U.S. is in the Northern Hemisphere. On this day, the Earth's axis neither tilts from nor towards the Sun during which the time the Sun crosses the equator from south to north, with the equator being close to the doldrums, eventually making the rays of the Sun perpendicular to Earth... forecast has winter-like temps in South and East.
Today is a great, dynamic morning 🌻 show with flair 😀🙂! There's Craig, Savannah, Laura, Al, Dylan, Sheinelle, Carson, Hoda and Jenna, Emilie, Kaylee, Donna, Jill and Justine... to present the news, sports, weather, live concerts/shows, social dilemma, books to read, guests, cooking, exercising, Catching Up With..., games, shopping 🛍️ and the scoop 😁.