I greatly enjoyed the book. The switch of perspectives throughout the book was such a great idea! Also, the dialogue/thoughts of Juli when describing how it felt being in the sycamore tree was so REAL! I loved that I could really feel how Juli felt just by reading words on a page! Then, there's the chapter where Bryce realized how much he liked Juli, my favorite chapter. All the emotion, and droops and drops, and desperate heart-pounding! It's just so easily life-like and wonderful, I was freaking out just as much as Bryce was that entire chapter. And then there's the ending. The dreaded dreaded ending. I loved it. To be fair I saw the movie before reading the book. SPOILER: So I was aware there wouldn't be a kiss. So while I did prefer the ending in the movie; I strongly believe the ending in the book is much more realistic. And I can appreciate the ending much more knowing that now I can just sit and imagine how the conversations would be between them. And I guess I can deal with that.
However, even with all the praise I have for the book I still give it 4 stars. My biggest reason being how the author went about the timeline in the book. During the chapters where Juli discovers Bryce is throwing away the eggs, they switch from present and past to give more context. That alone was already proving to be difficult but, the switching of Bryce's and Juli's p.o.vs' made it that much more difficult. (Also the discovery that this went on for two years. As a movie to book reader that was quite a shock.)
Overall though I'd easily recommend to anyone in need of a good coming of age or crush book.